,,THE CITY AS AN ECOSYSTEM’’ PROJECT (Code: 2018-2-BG01-KA105-048153)
K1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals Youth Mobility
18 – 24. IX. 2018 (excluding travel days)
Smolyan, Bulgaria


Countries: Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Georgia, Portugal

Participants: 5 young people between 18 and 30 years + 1 group leader (+18 y.o.) = 6 people per country


The mobility was implemented in the Rhodopes Mountains, Bulgaria (Smolyan) - for 7 days from 18th to 24th September 2018 with the participation of 5 partner organizations from Bulgaria, Portugal, Georgia, Greece and Romania.
Representing Romania, Pro Dezvoltare DACIA Association (APDD) participated in this Erasmus+ Youth Exchange with 5 youth (18-30 years old) + 1 group leader.

Within the program, there were trainings and discussions on the elements of the urban environment and the formation of the urban ecosystem.
Young people discussed the problems and achievements of their city and how to activate their community to improve their quality of life in a good environment of their settlement.
Through group work on topics, brainstorming, exchange of good practices, case solving, young people enriched their knowledge. They prepared a flashmob that was performed at a national folklore event and in the city center. With pictures of the activities, the youth made an exhibition in the foyer of the Ecooworld Rhodopes Youth Center, located in the central part of the city and visited by many citizens, young people and children. For the youngsters, a "Welcome" night was organized, national nights for each country, traditional games, and the last evening - a cha-chao party.

Nonformal learning methodology encouraged young people's active participation, created a peer learning space, and enabled equal learning, regardless of cultural, educational or social background.
Young people are now able: to present their local and national culture; to learn the local and national culture of the partner countries; to experience cooperative learning, peer education to practice, to be teachers and students; to gain practical skills and improve communication skills.
Besides, the program included many interesting and amusing activities such as visits, night activities, daily games, intercultural party, contests and so on.


The main objectives of the project were as follows:
- Developing skills to do an independent project;
- Promoting knowledge of different cultural expressions;
- Promoting the comparison among young people, in order to find contact points and to enrich the cross-cultural training;
- Encouraging the development of a European consciousness, stimulating reflection on the differences in cultures and values.

These have been achieved through non-formal methods. The different activities used informal procedures and appropriate methodologies: team-building, peer-education, cooperative learning, role-play, debates, outdoor activities, learning by doing and workshops.

Ecoworld Rhodopes, together with Pro Dezvoltare DACIA Association (APDD) and the other project promoters organized the learning program to improve and upgrade the skills in the field of cultural promotion, exchange of knowledge, using innovative methods and best practices already tested in the field of environmental education.

The objective of the project is to promote creative thinking, knowledge of the cultural heritage of the partner countries and supporting by comparing the results with similar initiatives at European level.

But let the pictures speak:

2. Echipa