,,Act for the inclusion of youth in Europe’’
Within the project participates 20 youth workers from 8 different countries: Romania, France, Portugal, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, including 2 representatives of Pro Dezvoltare DACIA Association (APDD).
Apel Selecție / Selection Call
Project Summary:
Type of project: Contact seminar (key action 1 - Erasmus Plus Youth and Sport Program)
Partners: European NGOs working with young people with fewer opportunities
Number of participants: 20 youth workers + 3 trainers / expert / facilitators
Participating countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Portugal, Cyprus, Italy, Lithuania, Croatia and France
Dates: 10th to 17th december 2017 (including travel days) -
Place : Bordeaux Métropole
The seminar was born of the fact that young people with less opportunity have little or no access to the opportunities offered by the Erasmus Plus program. Indeed, the balance sheets of the old PEJA program show that at the European level the NEETs constitute 30% of the public who have benefited from the program and in France this figure drops to 15%!
The study report conducted by Clotilde Talleu and published in March 2016 stresses that it is above all the structures (institutional and associative) that accompany these young people who constitute obstacles to mobility "through representations, standards, configurations , Action logics and professional postures. "
Therefore, in order to give these young people access to this program, we must act in their favor not only by informing them of the existence of this program, which is largely dedicated to them, but also by providing support Quality throughout their journey (before, during and after).
This seminar will therefore enable the structures involved (European and French) to take ownership of the opportunities of the program and especially to take concrete action to promote the inclusion of these young people.
Similarly, this seminar will enable us to find partners for transnational cooperation and / or the development of a joint project through the opportunities of the Erasmus Plus program.
We don’t wish to be a brake but on the contrary an opportunity and a resource for these young people.
This seminar will be able to answer this question given the work that has been built upstream and which will continue due to the strong involvement of the partners (especially the town hall and the social center, essential relays for our fieldwork).
Venue of the mobility: Château Moulerens, Bordeaux Métropole, France
The mobility mobility in France has been successfully implemented!