FOUR WISER MONKEYS 2018-2-LV02-KA105-002182

The "FOUR WISER MONKEYS" project is a youth exchange between Latvia, Italy, Portugal and Romania which also includes Advance Planning visit. The exchange took place in Latvia, Rezekne region for 7 days from 2018 October 20th to 2018 October 28th, including 2 travel days.









 PRO DEZVOLTARE DACIA Association (APDD): Dissemination activities. Dissemination Sessions - ,,FOUR WISER MONKEYS” Project, Drăgășani – Romania

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FOUR WISER MONKEYS 2018-2-LV02-KA105-002182

The "FOUR WISER MONKEYS" project is a youth exchange between Latvia, Italy, Portugal and Romania which also includes Advance Planning visit. The exchange will take place in Latvia, Rezekne region for 7 days from 2018 October 20th to 2018 October 28th, including 2 travel days. 

Project name The FOUR WISER MONKEYS comes from 3 wise monkeys, who do not see evil, do not burn harm and do not speak evil, so they do not face evil at all(Eastern wisdom). But we give the monkeys a new idea - See, Hear, Understand, and Act. There are so many changes and events happening in the world, in our country, in our city, with friends and family, in politics, in nature, in school, so many good and bad things, and the idea of ​​3 monkeys is not working nowadays, so we want to activate our peers to act and participate in society and their homes about important topics in the EU. 

Two main goals of the project: 
- to promote local participation of participants, civic activity, to reduce the marginalization; 
- provide young people with the opportunity to act and work towards a common goal and to discover the theme of "participation instead of indifference" that they have chosen and enable them to study continuously through non-formal education;

As the result there will be made 5 shortmovies on a topic that shows the expressions of indifference.

The participating organizations of the project are the Culture House of Rezekne National Societies (LV); Non-Profit Culture Association "Teatro dei Dioscuri" (IT); Babelescola, Associação de Descoberta da Europa (PT), together with Asociația Pro Dezvoltare DACIA (APDD) - Romania There are 10 young people and 2 leaders from each country, total - 48 participants.

The project's target group is motivated young people who do not have the opportunity to self-realization and young people who face geographical and economic obstacles. During the exchange, project activities in Latvia will be led by both leaders and experts and a large part of the activities will be directed by the young people themselves (youngsters prepare before coming to Latvia ) 
The content of the visa activity can be divided into 4 blocks: Free Block, Analytical Blocks, Creative Blocks and Evaluation Blocks.

Each participant will be given the opportunity to develop all 8 key competencies. Participants will be given information about the goal achievment, they will set goals by themselves and achieve them. Learn how to value their own and others' work.

In the end of the project, participants in each country will set up an event in their respective countries, during which short films will be screened and debates on current issues.

The project will foster cooperation among the countries of the European Union. The partner organizations will establish a closer link and will be able to build further projects and activities together. The results of the project, short films, should refer to any European citizen. Short films "Participation instead of indifference", say - do not stand aside but act! As well as simply inspire young people in Europe to implement their ideas. As a result of the project, we believe in reducing discrimination and xenophobia. The essence of the project is in line with the priorities of the Erasmus + program as the program aims to foster participation instead of indifference, reduce marginalization, promote equality and inclusion by facilitating access to participants and strengthening cooperation between youth and the European Union in youth organizations in the areas of education, non-formal education and culture . Young people are more aware of themselves as European citizens.

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